Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Morning Rides in the Pain Cave

Just thought I would share how I spend my mornings several times per week.  It is hard to put in the miles and time on the bike when you have a limited amount of time to hit the roads.  Therefore, I have set up my pain cave in my garage for the early 4 am rides.

It can be tough getting out of bed in the morning.  1 full glass of water and then its time to go at it for 1 to 2 hours.  A fan is a big necessity in the morning especially as the temperature warms up.  Water and some sort of sports drink is a must have at arms reach.

I admit I have learned developed some mental toughness staring at the wall most of the time.  Recently I have made the steady rides pass more with some reading.

Notice the pool sweat under me.

Nothing like a big breakfast after this.

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