Well, it has been a long time since I have posted. Time to write a little.
Training has been going well. I've been slowly increasing volume building into April's 1st race (still need to pick additional races). But, finished last week at about 8.5 hours of volume.
My swim has improved drastically due to lessons. My sets are getting a bit longer 2 times per week and with an easier shorter one if time permits. The goal is 3 times per week of swimming. I timed my 500 yard last week at 7:27. So not bad for now. Just need to increase the time I can hold that.
Bike work is improving. I've been spending time on the spin bike for the past few weeks. The focus is shifting back to the bike on the trainer in the garage. Morning rides are the best for me since it is quiet and not too hot yet. I've been keeping rides prior to the last 2 weeks under 1 hour, but have begun increasing those. Intervals happen 1 -2 times a week and the rest are steady rides.
The run is still my strong point I believe. I need to get out and do some trials on the track and check my progression. The weather has been nice and I'm taking advantage of it.
My nutrition is improving. I've been spending time trying to figure out what works best. Typical breakfast is soymilk with protein powder and a bowl of oatmeal with berries. Then come the usual snacks and moderate lunch with additional snacks and dinners. I've been trying real hard not to stuff myself at night. I've found that I might be slightly hungry if the volume was high that day, but I feel fine the next day. I'm really focusing on adding more fruit